Ranking American's Greatest Golf Players of All Time

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Best American Golfers

Ranking the best US golfers of all time is no easy task, given the country has produced dozens of the most exemplary figures in golfing over time. However, picking some of these players and setting them apart as the best of all time can be a no-brainer, considering what they achieved during their golfing careers and their influence on the game.

Tiger Woods 2014

Jack Nicklaus

The king himself, yes, he is. Having amassed a whopping 73 career wins, Jack perhaps deserves his nickname, the Golden Bear. Of those victories, 18 are majors. He was the oldest golfer to win the Masters, at the age of 46, and he was also the first golfer to reach a $2 million mark in prize winnings. He retired from competing but runs a firm that produces golfing equipment. His 1974 indictment into the Hall of Fame perhaps says it all about this athlete.

Tiger Woods

While Jack is regarded as the all-time best, Woods easily comes a close second. The golfing world would never be what it is today without this guy. He may have had his own personal controversies, but his ability on the greens is unmatched by many golfers. He has won 14 majors, 39 European competitions, and 77 PGA. A billionaire, Woods made most of his fortune through advertisements rather than golfing. But it's golfing which put him up there to become one of the hottest figures for adverts.

Other names which must appear on the list of the best US golfers of all time include the following:

  • Ben Hogan
  • Tom Watson
  • Arnold Palmer
  • Bobby Jones
  • Byron Nelson
  • Water Hagen
  • Raymond Floyd
  • Johnny Miller

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